Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs)
1. An effective communicator who...
  • Responds to the topic
  • Develops ideas with support
  • Attends to the needs of the audience
  • Demonstrates proficiency with mulitple communication strategies
2. A skilled problem solver who...
  • Restates a given situation
  • Explains possible choices and consequences
  • Develops the ability to think logically and abstractly with language, numbers, and symbols
  • Builds imaginative, creative, and innovative responses that incorporate efficient feedback cycles
3. A proficient technology user who...
  • Manages data effieciently
  • Interacts with various print and digital resources
  • Manipulates print and digital media to communicate ideas
  • Effectively and appropriately integrates text, graphics, and information sources
4. An informed career planner who...
  • Researches various career fields
  • Identifies a career and/or college pathway
  • Applies study time to building pathways for attaining a career or college entrance
  • Understands the importance of networking
5. An engaged community member who...
  • Understands the importance of being an active member of a larger community
  • Volunteers time and energy to causes in the community
  • Seeks appropriate mentors
  • Makes relevant connections to continued learning opportunities